Bellantium - das Multiplayer-Strategiespiel
Bellantium ist ein Online Browserspiel. Als Spieler in Bellantium, kannst du dein eigenes Imperium aufbauen, eine mächtige Armee rekrutieren und mit deinen Verbündeten um die Vorherrschaft in der Spielwelt von Bellantium kämpfen. Ohne Download und 100% kostenlos.

Das Spiel kann auf der Spielseite
zwischen deutscher und englischer Sprache
umgeschaltet werden.
The game can be switched on the game page
between German and English language.

The new Bellantium
Now with a revolutionized
hero system,
completely new graphics
and an interactive

Become a part of one
of the biggest gaming
communities in the
Komm in die
Welt von Bellantium!
Welt von Bellantium!
Upgrade your fields and mines to increase your resource production. You will need resources to construct buildings and train soldiers.
Construct and expand the buildings in your village. Buildings improve your overall infrastructure, increase your resource production and allow you to research, train and upgrade your troops.
View and interact with your surroundings. You can make new friends or new enemies, make use of the nearby oases and observe as your empire grows and becomes stronger.
Follow your improvement and success and compare yourself to other players. Look at the Top 10 rankings and fight to win a weekly medal.
Receive detailed reports about your adventures, trades and battles. Don't forget to check the brand new reports about the happenings taking place in your surroundings.
Exchange information and conduct diplomacy with other players. Always remember that communication is the key to winning new friends and solving old conflicts.